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Tin vui tháng 12 Chào mừng trung tâm mới gia nhập hệ thống: UCMAS Vinhomes Ocean Park - Hà Nội

07/12/2022 - 03:17
UCMAS Việt Nam vui mừng chào đón thành viên mới của hệ thống UCMAS Việt Nam

Trung tâm UCMAS Vinhomes Ocean Park - Hà Nội

Địa chỉ:  SH 2A.SP2B-17, Đường San Hô 2B, Vinhomes Ocean Park, Đa Tốn, Gia Lâm, Hà Nội
0943 472 940
Email:  oecanpark.hanoi@ucmasvietnam.com
Website:    http://ucmasvietnam.com
Fanpage:  UCMAS Vinhomes Ocean Park, Hà Nội
Chúc Trung tâm sẽ phát triển lớn mạnh, góp phần mang đến một môi trường giáo dục uy tín, chuyên nghiệp cho các học sinh nơi đây!
UCMAS VIỆT NAM liên tục tìm kiếm các đối tác nhượng quyền thương hiệu trên cả nước. Chi tiết vui lòng liên hệ:
0909 77 55 35/ 0916 868 154

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Frank Vito
11:39:00 04/09/2023

Hello, I am Frank Vito, CEO of Starling Properties in Dubai. I'm thrilled to extend to you an exclusive invitation to a lucrative investment opportunity that guarantees substantial returns. We have recently come across your esteemed presence and believe that our offering aligns perfectly with your investment aspirations. At Starling Properties, we've redefined luxury living through our recent showcase – a complete renovation of a Palm Villa to meet impeccable Italian standards. This villa, a living testament to our expertise, represents an investment of 20M USD. Our last project achieved an unparalleled ROI of up to 32.71%, setting a precedent for what we can accomplish together. But our vision doesn't stop here; it evolves. We're excited to introduce our pioneering initiative – the simultaneous development of multiple villas, each an embodiment of opulence and architectural brilliance. What sets this endeavor apart is your ownership of a partial title deed, a safeguard for your capital that ensures both security and substantial ROI. Picture this: an investment that combines the allure of high returns with risk mitigation, offering you a golden opportunity to amplify your portfolio's success. I kindly request that this message be directed to senior level or management. I urge you to connect with me directly at +971522515187 or via email at frankv@starlingproperties.ae. Let's delve into the details and explore how you can actively participate in this promising journey. Thank you for considering our proposition. I eagerly await the chance to discuss this extraordinary venture and the unparalleled ROI it promises. Best regards, Frank Vito CEO, Starling Properties Dubai [Contact Information] Direct Line: +971522515187 Email: frankv@starlingproperties.ae Website: starlingproperties.ae

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